Parents of Young Carers

Southend Carer Young Carers Groups Facebook page for Parents

 We offer support and information to parents via an online Young Carers Parents community.

Parents of young carers who are registered with us please request to join the Young Carer Parent Facebook page for updates, activity ideas to share with your children and information on education, health and wellbeing for you and young carers.

While we are all in lockdown and groups cannot run Kate (Young Carers Session Worker) is videoing some craft activities for you to share with your child. This is also a platform for you to support each other as parents who have additional health and care needs in the family and ask questions about information you need or support you would like.

Please remember to only share appropriate data and follow the group rules.

Sign posting for other support

If you would like someone talk to about helping your young carer with health, education, friends or their caring role then please contact the Young Carers Support Coordinator for a chat. If it is something we can’t support your family with we can signpost you to other services who can offer support for your family.

Southend Carers e-handbook

If you would like to learn more about young carers, useful website, carers rights and the responsibilities of the local authority and schools for supporting young carers then please visit the Carers e-handbook.